
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Veggie Lunch on White Rice

First post on NOM
Veggie lunch on riceI made this today because we just got home from  Puerto Rico and went to HEB and bought TONS of new produce. PLUS, my mom has been growing  jacinto kale, chives, cilantro, parsley, tomatoes, peppers, and rosemary at the house, so I decided to make a veggie, healthy meal for lunch since I've been eating almost ALL fried food in Puerto Rico.
This was just for me and a half a serving for my mom, so I didn't use the entire vegetable shown below (such as the bell pepper, onion, and sweet pepper)
I also used my brand new wok from William Sonoma that will be my number one at my new house next semester at A&M.
isn't it BEAUTIFUL??!?

 Okay so, first things first, the veggies!!!!
Keep in mind, anything is optional, anything can be added. I didn't use the entire vegetable listed. For example, I used about 4 cherry tomatoes since I was only making a serving and a half. I basically grabbed everything awesome and put it in here, so do what you feeeeeeel:
  • red onion
  •  cherry tomatoes (cut in halves)
  •  garlic (minced)
  • red bell pepper
  •  kale
  •  broccoli
  •  spinach (organic)
  •  shittake mushrooms
  • hydroponically grown cress (ooOOoh)
  • chives and cilantro (from the garden)
  • pineapple - (cut into smallish chunks)
  • sweetly bred pepper-                               
    •     --> I have to comment. These orange peppers are selectively bred so that they are not spicy at all and only taste like the flavor of a hot pepper without the spice! So good because I'm not a big spicy fan, and they are amazing in salads and eggs!!!

You'll begin to notice in my posts that I'm an estimator when I cook. I rarely use exact measurements unless I'm baking, so try to put what you like in measurements you want. 
Basically I cut all of those ingredients up.

 I then put a little pour of olive oil in, turned the stove on middle heat, and I stirred the veggies for about 5 minutes, adding the pineapple after along with a squeeze or two of some honey
THEN I added half a can of beef broth and half a can of cream of mushroom soup. 
Salt & Pepper to taste.
I let that heat up to about 8/10 so that the liquid would cook down, stirring frequently. 
While I cut the ingredients & while this cooked I had made some white jasmine rice by the brand Jasmati - recommended by Javi's family because they use it for their rice and beans ALL the time. I boiled water with a drop of olive oil and some sea salt with the rice already in it as it heated up. I put it on a 7/10 for about 20 minutes with a lid until it bubbled up, and I became agitated, and I took the lid off and left it at medium heat for about 10 more minutes. 

I'd just start the rice and cut the veggies & let everything cook, and once the thirty minutes is up, it should be cooked to your liking. 

When the rice was done, I strained it and put it in bowls, and I took a large straining spoon (one with holes in it), and I put the veggies coated in broth on the rice. You could definitely pour the delicious broth into the bowl and have more flavorful, rich rice throughout, but I didn't although I want to next time.  

A dark image of the final results. 
If you are vegetarian, simply replace the beef broth with french onion soup or don't use another at all. 

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