
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Mushroom & onion potato pancakes

I'm posting some recipes for now because I sometimes forget, and it makes it easy! Like when I made gazpacho tonight.

I make potato pancakes from left over mashed potatoes. I tubaware them and put them in the fridge until I make them.


  •  leftover mashed potatoes
  • egg(s) 1 egg per 4 servings of potato
  • olive oil
  • white or yellow onion
  • pepper
  • salt
  • flour
  • minced garlic
  • mushrooms
  • (optional: chives)
Chop up the mushrooms and the onion into very small pieces. Mix in a bowl with the potatoes, egg, a table spoon of flour per 4 servings, garlic (clove per 4 servings), and chives if desired.

Heat up the pan to high heat

Grease the pan, and drop some olive oil in, then pour the mix in like a pancake. Flatten it, mold it to a circle, and let it sit for about 4 minutes. Pepper and sprinkle flour on the top side, and flip it.
Throughout this process shake the pan a little side to side so that the pancake keeps from sticking.
Remove from pan when it is the desired brownness.

Serve with ketchup/sour cream/ or apple sauce. Whatever you like